The Yellow Couch art by Audrey, aged 8

Using our time wisely to come out of lockdown stronger than ever

These are unprecedented times, at least in our lifetime, and we are conscious that life may have felt challenging at times for many.

People have been making the most of this lockdown period, learning new skills, spending more time with loved ones or working from home. At The Yellow Couch we’ve not been sitting idle during lockdown either. We’ve been able to continue seeing clients online.  We’ve also been

  • finding new ways of reaching more people
  • adding to our knowledge
  • enhancing our service via technology

We may not be able to offer you the usual face-to-face service, but we can still work with you via:

  • Zoom
  • Skype
  • FaceTime

Looking to the future

Restrictions are beginning to ease although it will be a while before we are able to allow you to sit on The Yellow Couch.  The good news is we can still work together with you on your favourite couch at home.

The Yellow Couch

The Yellow Couch is a professional, results focused hypnotherapy service for introducing a more positive way of thinking to the subconscious mind. We help clients to overcome a range of issues, including anxiety, phobias, professional development, confidence, public speaking and quitting smoking.



Contact The Yellow Couch now to find out how you can start living a less stressed life.